PFS give assistance related Schemes of Below Agencies

  • MoFPI CEFPPC Scheme and Setting up of lab scheme
  • National Horticulture Board (NHB)
  • Setting up of cold storage (of capacity above 5000 MT and up to 10000 MT) and their modernization are eligible for assistance under the NHB Scheme ofCapital Investment subsidy for construction/ expansion/ modernization of cold storage for Horticulture Products (a sub scheme under MIDH). It is open ended credit linked scheme with scale of assistance @ 40% of capital cost of project limited Rs 30.00 lakhs per project in general area and 50% limited to Rs 37.50 lakhs per project in case of NE, Hilly & amp

    National Horticulture Mission (NHM)

    Cold storage (long term storage and distribution hubs) up to 5000 MT capacity are eligible for assistance under the open ended scheme of NHM/ HMNEH (a sub scheme of MIDH). The assistance is extended as subsidies to credit linked projects @ 35% of capital cost of project in general area and 50% in case of Hilly & Scheduled area.

    Small Farmer Agri-Business Consortium (SFAC)assistance to cold storage

    Setting up of cold storage as a part of a integrated value chain project are eligible for subsidy provided the cold storage component is not more than 75% of TFO (Total Financial Outlay). The scale of assistance as subsidy to projects is @ 25% of capital cost and maximum ceiling to Rs 2.25 crores in general area and 33.33% and maximum ceiling up to Rs 4 crores in case of NE, Hilly & Scheduled area. Integrated Scheme for Agricultural Marketing (ISAM)-Operational Guidelines.

    Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) schemes